Monday, January 7, 2008

Peace Jaguars. Your Goin' Home.

As if the Patriots need any other sources of outside motivation, Paul Spicer, a Jacksonville Jaguar Defensive Lineman believes the Patriots shouldn't even be in the playoffs. To anyone who doesn't thoroughly follow sports this may seem like a questionable statement and would seem to merit further questioning but, to any sports fanatics, a perfect season is hardly questionable.

"Do like the NCAA and kick them out of the playoffs or something," Spicer told The Associated Press after news of the scandal broke. "Put them on probation; they can't go to no playoff games. Roger Goodell has definitely enforced some new rules. He's been hard on players. Now let's see how hard he's going to be with a team."

That's not even considering all of the bullshit the Patriots had to deal with during the season about the whole Spygate Scandal. But you know what, I'm going to go out on a limb and say I'm sure there are at LEAST a few other teams in the NFL that could be just as guilty as the Pats for Spygate. The only difference is the Patriots (and the Jets maybe!) were the only team to get caught.

Look, say what you will about the punishments given to the Patriots. Maybe a half-million dollar fine given to only Coach Belichick, the 250,000 dollar team fine, and the loss of your 2008 first round draft pick wasn't enough. But one thing holds true, this is one of the most amazing teams football fans have ever had the pleasure of watching.

Spygate doesn't negate the simple and unavoidable fact that their still 16 and 0, and NOTHING will ever take that from them. Not only did they go undefeated, they showed many times during the season just how "human" they can be by almost losing a few close games (vs. Eagles, Ravens, and the G-Men.) But, when you're down and out, true champions always find a way to win and the Pats have done that better than anyone, or team, I've ever seen.

So, don't be afraid to admit that your just scared to play 'em, Spicer. I would be too. But, what some of you professional athletes don't seem to quite get is that you don't need to be giving the best team in your respective sport any more reason to want to beat you're head in.

Way to go, Spicer.

I'm tempted to not even watch the game because I'm sure I can predict the outcome but, I'll watch the Pats once again shove someones words (GUARANTEED! fuckin' Steelers.) right back in their faces.

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