Monday, March 2, 2009

Who doesn't love barbecued chicken?

Chris Bosh may hate the once beloved food. After Shaq, now known as Shaqtus, OWNED the Toronto Raptors Forward in a 133 - 113 Phoenix Suns win last week, some words between the two have been exchanged.

Angry at the officials for a lack of 3 - second lane violations called, Bosh claims the Big Shaqtus cheated in route to his 45 point night:

"He was just camping down in the lane. I mean, if they're not calling
three seconds -- I thought it was a rule, but I guess not."

After that same game, unaware of what Bosh had stated yet, Shaq gave yet another "Shaqtastic" response:

"I'm the only player who looks at each and every center (in
the NBA) and says to myself, 'That’s barbecued chicken down there.'"

Wait! There's more. In retaliation to Bosh's comment, Shaq gives this instant "Top 10 Shaq Comments":

"I heard what Chris Bosh said, and that's strong words coming from the RuPaul of big men. I'm going to do the same thing (in their next meeting) I did before - make him quit. Make 'em quit and complain. It's what I do."

The Suns and Raptors won't play again this season . . . unless they make the championship series. I'm guessing we'll just have to wait till next season to see a Shaq vs Bosh re-match.

This will all blow over by then, I'm sure. Still vintage Shaquille O'Neal.

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